Spring Herb Garden Essentials

Spring Herb Garden EssentialsCutting_Rosemary_1bde6f04-3c27-4f6c-916b-811e19380296.jpg

by Ashleigh Smith

You hear all the time how important and valuable growing a vegetable garden is. But how often do you hear about the importance of herbs? Herbs infuse flavor and life into cooked or fermented foods. When you cook fresh fruits and vegetables, they often weaken or become milder in flavor. However, when cooked into your food, they can enhance and bring out the combined flavor profiles. In my opinion, cooked foods can become quite boring without the help of a fresh herb. Sure, you can use the dry stuff or cuts that have been sitting for days and weeks on a shelf. But nothing can beat the power of freshly cut herbs in a homemade meal.
Man seasoning a pizza with fresh herbs
Not only are they a powerhouse in the kitchen, but they also pull their weight by deterring pests in the garden as well. A well-placed herb can help encourage growth and keep your harvest healthy. Do you still need a reason to appreciate a fresh herb? There is no end to the crafty and creative ways you can utilize herbs from the garden. At the end of the season, I love to dry some of the excesses for cooking throughout the winter. Enjoy scents? Make some homemade potpourri, candles, soaps, bath bombs, etc. Do you like a natural home decor look? Create some unique and beautiful wall hangings. Whatever you choose to do with your herbs starts with growing them now! Herbs are some of the few plants that can be grown indoors and outside. It doesn’t matter how big your garden is, herbs grow well in containers or in-ground.

There isn’t any one correct way to grow herbs. They do well indoors when enough light is provided. Or, they can be grown outside throughout your garden plot, in containers, or in baskets. We have plenty of ideas for how to grow herbs this garden season, whether you are growing in a large garden plot, on a deck, patio, or balcony. Herb gardens are a great opportunity to get creative, involve the kids, or level up your cooking skills. Find some of our favorite growing options below.

Mason Jar Herb Garden

Culinary Herb Assortment 10 Varieties

10 Culinary Herb Assortment

Minute Soil+

Minute Soil + Bricks

Glass Jars

glass jar 12 pack

Mason Jar Herb Garden Instructions:

  • Decorate your mason jar with ribbons, paint, lace, or burlap. Get creative!
  • Add water, as directed, to expand Minute Soil+ in a bowl to the side. Minute Soil+ includes all the nutrients your herbs will need to thrive.
  • In the bottom of the mason jar, add 0.5-1 inch of stones for water drainage.
  • Top stones with expanded Minute Soil+ leaving about half an inch of space from the top of the jar.
  • Follow directions on seed packets or website pages on how to plant and whether or not to cover with soil.
  • Grow on your windowsill or with a grow light.

mason jar herb garden

Hanging Basket Herb Garden

Deluxe Culinary Herb Assortment
Delux Culinary Herb Assortment

Minute Soil+ Water Retention Mix

Minute Soil+ Water Retention Mix

Bloom Master Hanging Basket

Bloom Master Hanging Basket

Bloom Master Hanging Planter Box

Bloom Master Hanging Planter Box

Because container gardens lose moisture much faster than in-ground gardens, we recommend using this Minute Soil+ Water Retention Mix. This is a blend of amended coconut coir (amended with enough NPK, Azomite trace mineral fertilizer, worm castings, and mycorrhizae for a full growing season), perlite, and Retain water retention crystals. The perlite and Retain water retention crystals will allow you to grow outdoors without worrying about your plants drying up mid-day. This mix is especially recommended for those who experience dry and hot summer months.

Stacking and Raised Planters

Organic Italian Herb Collection

Organic Italian Herb Collection Assortment

Minute Soil+ Water Retention Mix

Minute Soil+ Water Retention Mix

Stackable Planters

Stackable Planter

Raised Planter Bed

Raised Planter Bed

Our stackable planters make growing a variety of herbs in a very small space exceptionally easy. These planters are ideal for use outdoors, although you may use them inside with enough light. Each stacker provides multiple sections for growing an assortment of herbs. Want a more traditional growing experience? Try our raised garden planter.

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