10 Edible Perennials for Cool Climates

10 Edible Perennials for Cool ClimatesEchinacea_1_d83bfb06-3c0e-4052-9e90-25e0db989706.jpg

By Lara Wadsworth

When living in northern climates, we can often forget that vegetable growing and edible landscapes don’t have to be left to those with longer growing seasons than us. But, that couldn’t be more wrong. In pre-colonial times, most of North and South America were food forests! The native populations knew how to farm the land in a way that was sustainable and meant feeding not only themselves, but generations after them. Here is a list of just a few common edible plants that can survive perennially in northern gardens!

Echinacea (Echinacea purpurea)

If you’re looking for a cut flower that is good for pollinators, has edible foliage, and is a cold hardy perennial down to zone 3, Echinacea is the answer! This outstandingly hardy plant is nearly disease and pest free and provides wonderful purple cone flowers. Once established, Echinacea (also known as Purple Coneflower) can persist for years while providing leaves that make delicious teas and tinctures that are said to boost the immune system.

All Echinacea Seeds

Cheyenne Spirit Echinacea Seeds
Echinacea Grow Guide
Medicinal and Tea Herb Assortment

Asparagus (Asparagus officinalis)

A delightful vegetable that can be purchased at many grocery stores, there is nothing like some fresh asparagus from your garden. The fact that it is hardy down to zone 2 is icing on the cake. Nearly anyone in North America can find a variety of asparagus that will be right for them and their garden. Although it is slow to establish, it is persistent and will reward your hard work for years to come.

Mary Washington Seed

UC 157 F1
UC 157 F2
UC 72

Dill (Anethum graveolens)

Are you a fan of pickles? That is just the tip of the iceberg on the usefulness of this cold-hardy herb. From pickling, to cut flowers, or seasoning chicken and other meats, dill is perfect for the perennial kitchen garden. It thrives in pots as well as beds and will persistently return each year. Another performer down to zone 2. Dill is sure to thrive in most chilly gardens!

All Dill Seeds

Dill Grow Guide
Dill Microgreens
Boston Pickling Cucumber

Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia)

This world-renowned plant is known mostly for its fragrance. Although it is not quite as cold hardy as some others on this list, some varieties are tolerant down to zone 3. Not only can these blooms be used for their fragrance, but also for teas, garnishes, and flavoring other drinks and baked goods. Everything from hot lavender drinks to lavender lemonade to lavender cookies, this practical and beautiful plant won’t disappoint.

All Lavender Seeds

Lavender Grow Guide
DIY Flower Candles
DIY Dried Herb Bundles

Rhubarb (Rheum rhabarbarum)

This beautiful leafy green is useful in ways not always expected. Although the red stalks of this vegetable are fibrous and slightly sour, they are most commonly used in sweet baked goods. Rhubarb strawberry pie, rhubarb cream pie, rhubarb muffins, and more can all be baked with this interesting vegetable. The stalks can even be chopped, blanched, frozen, and then used throughout the year for all your desires! Remember to only consume the stalks as the leaves are not edible. Cold hardy down to zone 3, this outstanding perennial is a no-brainer!

Rhubarb Seed

Vegetable Grow Guide
About Rhubarb Blog

Mint (Mentha piperita)

Mint hardly needs a description of its own. However, not everyone knows that mint can be grown as a perennial down to zone 3! Use mint leaves for margaritas, Asian dishes, pesto, soups, and more. Dry the leaves in their prime and use them all year for seasonings and garnishes. The leaves are best harvested before the flowers come on. Be sure not to harvest too much of the plant at once to give it time to recover!

Mint Seeds

Mint Grow Guide
Lemon Mint Seeds
Fresh Tea Recipes

Alpine Strawberries (Fragaria vesca)

Strawberries also need little encouragement. The new information here is about Alpine Strawberries. These berries grow specifically in cooler climates than traditional strawberries do. The berries are also a bit smaller than those you might buy at the grocery store, but boy, are they packed with a sweet flavor. Use them in all the same ways you would any other strawberry! We highly recommend pairing these fresh fruits with a few sprigs of mint for some refreshing flavored water. Below we have mentioned some beneficial companion plants for alpine strawberries.

Stratification Blog


Chives (Allium schoenoprasum)

Perennial chives are cold hardy down to zone 3 and will come up year after year! Use them like you would green onions or scallions! The white parts can be cooked and the greens are delicious fresh garnishes. You can even dry them for using all winter long as a flavorful herb for soups and pasta dishes.

Chive Seeds

Garlic Chives
Chive Grow Guide
Herbs for Shade Gardens

Raspberries (Rubus idaeus)

Another delicious fruit that requires little persuasion! Raspberries grow quite prolifically in northern climates down to zone 3 easily, and even colder with some added protection. The delicate fruits are a favorite of birds but also of humans. They are perfect for fresh eating, baking, jam-making, and more! We even have two universal jam recipes perfect for using up any spare berries. There is nothing quite like fresh berries from your garden in the middle of summer! Below you will also find some good comapnion plant ideas.

Freezer Jam Recipe
Chia Seed Jam Recipe

Bee Balm (Monarda didyma)

Bee Balm is most commonly known as an ornamental native flower. However, the leaves can be dried and used as a spice similar to thyme or oregano. The flowers are also highly attractive to pollinators, hence the name. The blooms are edible for humans as well! They are said to have a minty flavor when used as a garnish or in salads. This cold hardy ornamental perennial can thrive down to zone 3 and provide beauty and utility all summer long.

Bee Balm (Bergamot) Seed

Bee Balm (Bergamot) Grow Guide
Plants for Repelling Mosquitoes
Beneficial Bug Flower Mix

As stated before, this list is just the beginning of the many beautiful and useful plants that can thrive in cold climates. With protection or light coverings, a plethora of other plants can also be tended and made to grow in snowy areas. Growing your own food is one of the best things you can do to benefit your health, your family, and your environment! Don’t let cold weather stop you.

May 24, 2024

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