Garden Labels

Garden LabelsGarden_Labels_3412889b-49e7-444c-894a-a8c48b1a244e.webp

By Ashleigh Smith

Picture your garden about 3-4 months from now. You are starting to harvest and use your fresh produce in the kitchen. You are preparing dinner and you need that extra something from the garden. You send your child out to pick it, but they come back asking which plant it is. Help them understand what each plant is throughout the season by using some garden labels.

Labels come in all shapes, sizes, and colors. One of my personal favorites to use with kids are painted rocks. Rocks not only make a good option because they are in the garden anyways, but they also won’t blow away. Pick some rocks that are about the size of your hand with a flat surface to paint on.

You can use acrylic paints as long as you use a good sealer to prevent the paint from wearing away. You can find a spray sealant in most craft stores and some grocery stores. As you paint, take time to show your child what the fruits will look like. Add a small painting of the fruit to your rock. This may help your child recognize them when you send them out for a quick addition to your meals.

Adding the labels while planting your seeds and starts can also help your children to get excited about spending time in the garden. If they can recognize where some of their favorite fruits are from the time they are planted, they will be more invested in following the growing process.

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