How To Grow A Vertical Garden

How To Grow A Vertical Gardentransplanting_copy_d4a6d2af-4686-4833-b11a-195579a7b055.webp

By Erica Groneman

Have you ever tried gardening vertically? Any garden can benefit from having at least a few plants grow vertically for an easier harvest and variety in visual interest. A vertical garden is about training your plants to grow up rather than growing out.
There are several methods for gardening vertically. You could use stacking pots like our stack and grow system, make a garden wall of potted plants, use trellises, arches, fences, tripods, hanging baskets, gazebos, and more. You get the idea. Choose plants that like to climb, rather than bush varieties.

Plants For Vertical Gardening:

There are many benefits to gardening vertically. You can increase your yield, more easily care for and maintain your garden, and add depth and beauty to your garden. Let’s be honest, harvesting your crop at eye level is more fun.

Happy Gardening!

May 24, 2024

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