How To Grow Kale And Make This Yummy Green Smoothie

How To Grow Kale And Make This Yummy Green SmoothieKale_6cfd8325-eb4d-46cf-8fc1-c6f8ecc7532a.webp

By Erica Groneman

Kale is an outstanding addition to any home garden. The nutritional benefits alone are incredible. One cup of kale provides more than 100% of the daily value in Vitamin A, Vitamin K, and Vitamin C. Kale also provides Vitamin B6, Manganese, Calcium, Copper, Magnesium, Potassium, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, and Vitamin B3, among other minerals and nutrients. It’s no wonder that kale is a superfood.

Kale can be eaten raw or added to soups and stews, salads, or baked as chips. Also, kale is often the main ingredient of green drinks and smoothies (see recipe below).

Kale can be planted in a pot or directly in the ground. Plant kale 18-24” apart in well prepared soil in full sun. When harvesting, start with the oldest leaves at the base of the plant and work your way up. Be sure to leave at least several leaves of newer growth at the top of the plant so your kale will keep growing (and you can keep harvesting) until the end of the season.
Here’s a delicious green drink recipe (that even kids love) for you and your family to try:

Green Drink

  • 3/4 blender full of kale
  • 1 lb bag frozen fruit of your choice
  • 2-3 Tbs chia seeds
  • Water (after all ingredients are added, fill to the top of the blender)
  • Optional: Juice from one lemon or one lime or citrus, grapes


  • Add all ingredients to blender. Blend well and serve.

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