The Fall Garden Basics

The Fall Garden Basics


By Ashleigh Smith

With the approach of fall, it may seem like the garden is about done for the season. Don’t stop now! Many people mistakenly think the arrival of fall means you have to stop growing. Really it is the perfect “second spring.” With cooling temperatures, you can plant another round of cool-season vegetables and quick-to-mature annual flowers. Many of the most successful fall-planted vegetables are root veggies that can also be stored well into the winter months. Nothing beats a fall stew made with fresh vegetables from the garden. Not a fan of freezing vegetables? Try your hand at a fermentation garden. Cool-season crops like cabbage and carrots can be used for homemade fermented vegetable mixes with ease.

Best Fall Garden Vegetables

Root vegetables like carrots, beets, radishes, and turnips are some of the best for fall gardens. They can tolerate cool temperatures up to your first frost date. Take advantage of the entire growing season for your biggest harvest yet. In addition to root vegetables, leafy greens are perfect for a complete fall planted garden. Many are quick to mature within 1-2 months and actually perform better with the cooling temperatures. Don’t forget to pair your vegetables and leafy greens with an assortment of herbs. I suggest growing your herbs in containers that can also be brought indoors to be added as a perfect flare to your holiday cooking.

14 Variety Fall & Winter Vegetable Collection

A full collection of seeds for fall sowing. Each variety will mature in time for a late fall to winter harvest. Hand picked by our friend Rick with Stoney Acres Gardening. A simple cold frame or hoop house can extend your harvest into the winter months. Includes: Beet, Carrot, Kale, Leaf Lettuce, Radish, Spinach, Swiss Chard, Arugula, Corn Salad (Mache), Mustard, Turnip, Cabbage, Pak Choi, and Romaine Lettuce.
14 Variety Fall & Winter Vegetable Collection

14 Variety Fall & Winter Vegetable Collection

Late Summer - Fall Planted Flowers

Just because the temperatures are about to cool down doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy a few more blooms. There are several flowers that take well to fall plantings. Some of our favorites include sunflowers, marigolds, hardy perennials, and sunflowers. Fall isn’t just for bulbs. Take advantage of the comfortable cool fall evenings in your garden. To get ahead of the game with spring blooms, consider growing a wildflower mix. Wildflowers often perform better after the natural cold treatment witner weather supplies. Spread your seeds in the fall for natural spring growth.

Fall Planting Perennials - 5 Classic Flowers Collection

Fall Planting Perennials - 5 Classic Flowers Collection

Save the BeesSave the Bees
Save the Monarchs

Save the Monarchs

Hummingbird and Butterfly Shaker

Hummingbird and Butterfly Shaker

5 Heirloom Sunflower Seeds

Heirloom Sunflower Seed Collection - 5 Pack

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