
  • Do I need to cook my mushrooms?

    Yes, you should make sure any mushrooms you eat are thoroughly cooked. Mushrooms contain a compound called chitin which is difficult to digest. Chitin also occurs in arthropod shells giving them strength and flexibility. It readily breaks down with heat, so cooking mushrooms makes them easier on ...
  • Do I need to remove the plastic bag to harvest the mushrooms?

    You shouldn't need to open the plastic bag to harvest the mushrooms. When harvesting, you can hold onto the cluster of mushrooms and twist near their base. That should be enough to pop them easily off the block. If they fruit inside the bag, feel free to open it up to harvest.
  • Do I remove the material from the bag?

    Grow kits should stay in the bag while they grow. After removing the box cut an X into the exposed plastic about 3-4 inches long cuts. Enough oxygen gets to the block through this cut and it directs the mushrooms to form there. Remember to leave the plastic flaps of the X on the bag, they'll help...
  • How do I get a second flush of mushroom fruit?

    After you’ve harvested your first flush of mushrooms, continue spraying your kit as you were. If it's looking a bit dry, you can cover it with a humidity tent. It's important do keep it hydrated throughout the process. There's no need to take the block out of the bag or cut a second X in it. It m...
  • How much should I spray my mushroom kit?

    You don’t need to empty the bottle each time you spray, but it is important to get the area where you cut open the bag nice and damp! Try 5-10 sprays each time. It can take a little trial and error to get the frequency and amount just right. If the surface of the block seems very dry the next tim...
  • How much will my mushroom kit produce?

    Depending on the species you choose to grow it is likely you will get a second, third, fourth, or even fifth fruiting with care and patience. Growing mushrooms is an art, and it takes skill to be good at it. Be patient, follow the instructions carefully, and try to maintain a humid environment fo...
  • Innoculating Your Own Plug Spawn

    **Make sure to keep your plugs refrigerated and do not open the bag until you are ready to inoculate your logs!** Selecting the right wood: 🍄 _Walnut, Elm, Black Locust, Ash and Larch/Tamarac should not be used!_ **Hardwood mushroom species – Shiitake, Maitake, Reishi, Turkey Tail, Chicken of t...
  • Is my mushroom block growing mold?

    Chances are, that's not mold - it's mycelium! Your kit includes an amended sawdust block with mushroom mycelium growing through it. The block may appear covered with a soft, white, mold-like substance. That's the mushroom mycelium, and it's totally normal and healthy for your mushroom block. The...
  • Mushroom block produced pins (baby mushrooms) but they stopped growing

    Usually this means there isn't enough humidity around the block. Don't panic! Your mushroom kit still has all the food needed to produce mushrooms. Simply pick off the dried-up pins. When you start to see baby mushrooms form (pinning), you can remove the humidity tent and keep misting the block....
  • Mushroom FAQ

    Mushroom FAQ 🍄 Q: Do these contain mushrooms spores? A: No, you are not receiving spores in your plugs, you are receiving mycelium which is essentially root cuttings or starter plants. Q: What is this white stuff on the wooden dowels? The “white stuff” on the plugs is mycelium, not mold. Q: Wh...
  • Mushroom Log Instructions - Free Download

    Congratulations on beginning a new "grow your own" experience. This shitake log is made from Red Oak and is pre-inoculated with gourmet mushroom spawn. It will begin to fruit spontaneously within 9-12 months after the initial inoculation date on the tag and will produce several fruitings a year f...
  • Shitake Log Care

    If properly cared for, your log should fruit 9-12 months after the inoculation date on the tag. In colder climates it may take longer. Always stand your logs upright when not shocking it. Shiitake mushroom logs must best kept outside, in full shade, in an unsheltered location where they can be ra...
  • What If my mushroom block is dry and isn't producing mushrooms yet?

    Try using a humidity tent if you are not already. Take a large trash bag or other large loose bag and cut lots of ½” holes throughout - mushrooms need fresh air to form correctly! Drape the bag over your block and mist the inside of the bag every day. When you start to see baby mushrooms form (pi...
  • What if the mushroom block is broken upon arrival?

    We often see this as a result of jostling around in transport. While it’s still in the bag, we recommend gently pressing the block back together and allowing it some extra time to bounce back before cutting it open to start the fruiting process. It may take about a week to re-establish itself.