Is Sprouting Safe?

We would like to assure you that we take all reasonable steps to ensure our seed is as clean as possible. You can take precautions, and safely soak the seeds in cold water and 3% Hydrogen Peroxide ( approximately 1 part Hydrogen Peroxide and 6-8 parts Water ). Make sure your hands are clean and all trays and equipment are sterilized before planting.

Back in the 90’s there were issues with store bought sprouts having food borne illnesses. We attribute this to bad sprouting practice and improper storage. The key is to keep your sprout equipment clean and rinse the seeds often. Always trust your nose. And as long as you're eating your sprouts in the usual time frame ( *3-4 days on the counter, 7-8 days if refrigerated*) you won’t have anything to worry about.

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