How to sprout broccoli

Broccoli as well as our 5 part mix contains sulforaphane which has an off putting odor. Especially in the warmer summer months, so don't be alarmed! It is actually the part of the sprout that is one of the most beneficial for you! It will rinse away, but continue to build up in an enclosed space, so we recommend a final rinse before serving!

🌊SOAK: 4 - 12 hours The amount of time your seeds soak based on your personal results, soak in cool water, this is beneficial for broccoli, it can be sensitive to heat.
🚿RINSE / DRAIN: 2 - 3 times per day. Rinsing thoroughly and then draining as much water as possible are key components to growing great sprouts and keeping the odor down.
🌞DAY 3: you can start to give them light! This will green them up and also alter the flavor slightly to be more mature.

Continue to Rinse and Drain every 8-12 hours. Harvest on day 5 or 6, when the leaves are open and most of them are green. You can also de-hull your crop if you like, before refrigerating.

Jan 11, 2024

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