Scholarship Information

$5000 Demetrios Agathangelides Memorial Agricultural Sciences Scholarship

2023 Scholarship Winner: Siddhartha Shankar Bhattacharyya

The Demetrios Agathangelides Memorial Scholarship

True Leaf Market is proud to support the agricultural sciences. Starting in 2022, we will offer one $5,000 scholarship to a college student majoring in the agricultural sciences. We encourage students in both graduate and undergraduate programs to apply for this scholarship, which will allow them to showcase the skills and knowledge they’ve learned in their agriculture-related field. We want applicants to demonstrate their knowledge with confidence while fulfilling the requirements for this scholarship. Overall, our aim is to encourage students to exercise what they have learned while bettering the world around them. We offer scholarships to students in these plant science related disciplines:

  • Horticulture
  • Botany
  • Agriculture
  • Landscape Architecture
  • All Other Plant Science Related Disciplines

About the Scholarship

Demetrios (Demo) Agathangelides founded one of True Leaf Market's original brands, Mountain Valley Seeds, back in 1974. Demo sadly passed away in September of 2022, and we will miss him dearly. This scholarship is in his honor and loving memory. If you would like to make a contribution to the scholarship fund to honor his legacy, please send an email to for details.

How to Apply

Create A Zone Specific Cover Crop Mix Presentation
  • Create a cover crop seed mix formulated for your specific USDA growing zone and local climate factors.
  • We recommend test growing your mix and modifying it if needed to address the challenges and needs of your local growing conditions.
  • Create a PowerPoint presentation that details your testing experience, findings, and challenges. Address why the final mix recommendation includes the selected seeds and their mix percentages. Explain what benefits the cover crop mix provides, how long it should be grown for, and how to terminate it using organic practices.
  • Record a video of you presenting your PowerPoint and upload it to youtube. A link to your youtube video should be included on the first slide of your presentation.
  • Complete the submission form, including a link to your youtube presentation and individual file uploads of:
    • PowerPoint Presentation
    • Photos of your test grows included in the presentation in Jpg format
  • Upload your completed video link, presentation, and photo files with your application below, or email them to (Note: please do not send your submission documents in a zip file, as anything received in a zipped folder will be deleted.)

View Previous Winner Submissions

To apply click HERE and scroll down to the bottom of the page.

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